All in reflection

Review of a Thought-Provoking Podcast Episode about Online Teaching

Although it came out in December 2017, I only recently discovered an episode of the Teach Better podcast devoted to online learning: “Teaching Online with Doug, Edward, and Laura Gibbs.” This episode is worthwhile listening for anyone who teaches online or is considering branching into the world of online teaching. Since my bread-and-butter teaching is online, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to respond to Doug, Edward, and Laura’s ideas.

On Imperfection and Reflection

One truism of my own teaching is that I’ve never found the perfect way to teach something. That might sound like an empty cliché, the kind of thing you’d write in a teaching philosophy document and then forget, but it’s really true. It’s always necessary to “admit limitations” in teaching, and I’m always refining my ideas, designs, and approaches.

Talking about Teaching

What can you expect in this space in upcoming weeks? I will explore the theory and practice of teaching, in particular the intersection between my instructional design studies and my daily experiences as a teacher, both online and face-to-face.